Juice cleansing is a beneficial way to remedy your diet, launch your weight loss, and improve your overall health. But, before you spearhead into your juice cleanse, here are some things you need to know.
No doubt, detoxification is constructive to our bodies and we can get the most out of a juice cleanse by tailoring the juice plan based on our own individual bio.
Why Opt For A Juice Cleanse?
The modern lifestyle, environment, and schedule make it almost impossible for us to maintain a healthy energetic lifestyle. Especially considering we spent 70% of our energy on digesting food after every meal. Slurping fresh juice from fruits and veggies rather than eating them gives our digestive system a much-needed break. Furthermore, our bodies can easily absorb the flood of nutrients we are taking in due to the juice.
Our bodies have the power to heal themselves and flush out stubborn toxins and waste, it just needs to be given a chance!
As humans, we tend to constantly tax our body by feeding it unhealthy and processed foods, without even realising it. We need to give it the opportunity to help keep us in excellent health. The answer is a fast and effective juice cleansing process via Juice Junction.
The Process & Benefits Of Juice Cleansing
There is ample information on how to do a speedy juice cleanse, but here are the top tips which have proven to be not just effective, but takes less time as well.
- PREPARATION — instead of going straight from 0 to 100, the transition from your regular diet into a cleaner diet during the weeks. Incorporate raw fruits and veggies in every meal. Eventually, start reducing size portions. Regular, non-strenuous exercise and drinking plenty of water also helps in flushing out all sorts of toxins. This reduces the probability of unwanted side effects such as nausea, fatigue, extreme hunger, dizziness, etc.
- PLANNING — Planning ahead helps in sticking to your juice cleanse commitment. Getting home after a long day without any juice ready means you are more likely to just grab a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, compromising your cleanse. We recommend snooping around for a juice detox program that suits your needs. Instead of getting stuck with running your juicer, just grab a juice from your fridge and you’re good to go.
- ELIMINATION — removing the temptation to eat other food, particularly junk food, is easier said than done. We recommend placing anything tempting in a spot where it is not easily visible and reachable. An out of sight out of mind concept. There’s no need to throw out everything in your pantry and fridge.
- CONSUMPTION — calorie intake is important; fewer calories mean your body is bound to malfunction. As per scientific research, women require around 2000 calories, while men need around 2500 calories. This could vary depending on height, weight, and activities. For losing weight, the minimum number of calories for women is around 1200 and about 1600 for men. These numbers are vital in hitting your juice cleanse
- HYDRATION — Drinking gallons of water helps in staving off hunger, re-energizing your cells, removing toxins, and maintaining blood sugar balance. Water can be spiced up by adding lemon or some mint and cucumber.
- EXERCISE — take your exercise routines down a notch during a juice cleanse. Your calorie and protein intake are not as normal as usual, lowering your energy levels. Instead of pumping weights or going for a sprint, a walk or a light swim is better. Give your body a chance to rest every now and then.
- BREAKS — take a stretch break every now and again. Five minutes of stretching can get your blood flowing. It helps in decreasing fatigue, increasing heart rate and energy levels. The best part, you can make up your own stretching routine.
- SLEEP — deep sleep comes easy when all the above are followed to the bone. Scientifically, inadequate sleep causes weight gain and high-stress levels, among others. A good night’s sleep gives your body time to eliminate toxins and rebuild the immune system. Adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep. To sleep better, turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime, additionally, a long warm bath also helps, as well as keeping your room at a cool temperature and sticking to the scheduled bedtime.
- BREAKAGE — slowly reintroduce healthy, solid foods into your diet by eating soup or oatmeal, drinking smoothies, or chomping on watery fruits. Over-indulgence is a big no.
And even if you aren’t, just head down to our juice cleansing store at Molan Street, Ringwood, or call +61 3 9870 4934. For more specific and bigger orders, drop us an email at raw@juicejunction.com.au. Yes, RAW, as in, our products as 100% made entirely from plants — free of gluten, added sugars, added sweeteners, GMOs, and artificial ingredients.
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