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GUT Cleanse diet

What Are 7-day Gut Cleanse Diet That Actually Works?

By | Uncategorized

Want to boost your gut health?

Health practitioners often recommend a gut cleanse diet to give your digestive and immune system the boost it needs. With food rich in probiotics, you can reap surprising health benefits. However, it is important to get it right and have a complete understanding of your gut cleanse needs. If you are keen to reboot your digestive system, we have listed here a 7-day plan that will help in promoting good gut health.

Requirements of the Gut Health Cleanse

If you are planning to go for a gut cleanse, make sure you have everything you need to make it a success. This will ensure that you do not end up discontinuing or fail. Some of the essentials include:

  • Herbal teas
  • Fermented food
  • Clean water
  • Dairy-free milk
  • Herbs
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Spices
  • Nuts, olive oil, Coconut oil

High-Fibre Foods

Consuming high-fibre food immensely improves gut health. It leads to a healthy colon and also helps gut bacteria.

Herbal Tea

Adding up to three cups of herbal tea can offer incredible results. However, ensure that you limit laxative herbal tea to just once a day.

Make Detox Foods a Part of Your Diet

By having foods that support the natural detoxification of your body, you can improve your gut health. Some of the foods that you can consider including are broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, carrot, spinach, avocado. Some of these foods are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and contain antioxidants, making them a great choice for your diet.

Foods to Avoid

If you are planning a gut cleanse, make sure to avoid or limit the intake of foods like processed meat, salt, alcohol, sugar, and saturated fats.

Increase The Consumption of Water

Water plays a key role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. This makes it important to consume at least six to eight glasses of water and also include food with high water content. You can consider adding lettuce, cucumber, celery, and watermelon.

There are several benefits of maintaining healthy gut health. By effectively implementing a gut health plan, you will notice enhanced sleep, mood, and heart health.

Gut Cleanse Diet

You can start your day with lemon water for a refreshing and healthy start. For breakfast, you can go for sugar-free options and gut-friendly food. With healthy and nourishing options, you feel energised through the day while enriching your body with nutrients. You can try oats recipes, avocado toast or a chia pudding.

For lunch, you can go for options like lemon garlic baked salmon or a burrito bowl of veggies. While you should limit the number of snacks, there are several healthy options like a cup of blackberries, raspberries, apples, or almonds.

For dinner, you can go for kale and turkey soup or green salads. The healthy options are wide and you can mix and get as creative as possible to keep it exciting for yourself.

If you are looking for a gut cleanse juice, visit Juice Junction. We bring you a range of options to suit your precise requirements. You can choose from our juice cleanse packs and pick them up from us or get them delivered to your door. Connect with us to find out more about juicing for gut health.

How To Get Rid of a Cold With 6 Immunity Boosters

By | Uncategorized

Looking for ingredients that can boost your immune system?

There are several natural remedies that can help you beat the winter bug. If your cold seems to be dragging with uncomfortable symptoms, you can consider using natural remedies to get back to your normal self and alleviate the symptoms. Lets learn more about how to get rid of a cold.

The environment is loaded with various microscopic bugs and winter is the time when our bodies are most susceptible. The line of defence against these germs is the immune system and by giving it a boost, you can stay safe and recover soon. Read on to learn about 6 powerful immune boosters to get rid of a cold.


Garlic possesses anti-inflammatory properties and makes the perfect ingredient to detoxify the body from toxic pollutants and infectious viruses. In fact, garlic tops the list of immune-boosting ingredients and works like wonders for the body. This is because of the presence of a rare compound in garlic known as allicin. While you can use whole cloves of garlic, there are garlic capsules also available.


Mushroom is a part of the fungi family and is valued for its immune-boosting ability. It can help you effectively fight a cold by supporting a healthy response of the immune system. There are different varieties of mushrooms available and can be used in different ways along with food to balance the immune system.

Vitamin C and Zinc

In combination with Zinc, Vitamin C makes a powerful antioxidant to soothe the symptoms of a common cold. Studies clearly indicate that adding zinc can reduce the severity and duration of a common cold. So, whether you are already experiencing symptoms of a cold or looking for ingredients that can protect you, adding Vitamin C and Zinc to your diet can be of immense help.

There are several ways in which you can make it a part of your regular food. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon and limes are packed with Vitamin C while you can get zinc from food like chickpeas, lentils and dark chocolate.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is another popular ingredient used to get rid of pollutants from the body. It makes a powerful ingredient for an immunity cleanse. While it is available in the form of supplements, make sure to be cautious as it can stain teeth.


It is an essential antioxidant that is produced by the cells of the body. It also plays a key role in nutrient metabolism and cellular activities. It can be taken in the form of a capsule to shield your body from cold and flu.


The probiotic bacteria in the gastrointestinal system can help in building up the strength of your immune system. By adding probiotic food like yogurt and kimchi to your diet, to get rid of a cold you can protect yourself and relieve the symptoms of a cold.

Developing a strong immune system is the key to staying healthy. By making the above natural immune boosters a part of your diet, you can fight off ailments and support the normal functioning of the body.

If you are looking for an immunity booster, check out the juice cleanse options that we have for you at Juice Junction. With our nutrition-packed immune booster juice, you can naturally nourish your body.

Celery Juice

10 Things You Never Knew about Celery Juice

By | Uncategorized

Ever wondered what makes celery juice a superfood?

Drinking celery juice every morning offers amazing benefits by boosting the function of the liver, healing the gut, and supporting the body’s immune system. The leaves, stalk and seeds of celery are useful due to the presence of the antioxidants apigenin and luteolin. Studies indicate that both these elements play an important role in treating various inflammatory diseases. This has made celery juice a trend in wellness and health experts continue to recommend it. So, why not add it to your daily diet? Lets learn more things to know about celery juice.

Read on to know about the benefits of celery juice and what makes it a miracle ingredient.

Celery is Packed with Anti-Oxidants

Celery is believed to contain compounds that lower toxicity and give the immune system a boost.

Activates the Gut

Celery works by restoring hydrochloric acid which makes the process of digestion more efficient. It also helps in increasing stomach acid which helps in breaking down food.

Reduces Cholesterol

Celery is packed with compounds that lower lipid levels and can reduce the bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

The natural anti-inflammatory properties of celery help in lowering joint pain and symptoms of arthritis. It has soothing and relaxing properties to calm the body.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Celery works as a muscle relaxant and lowers high blood pressure.

Helps in the Healthy Functioning of the Liver

By increasing the production of enzymes, celery helps in improving liver health. It also prevents the build-up of fat in the liver and flushes toxins out.

Enhances Digestion

With an increased circulation in the intestine, celery improves overall digestive health. It works wonders for constipation and bloating.

Lowers the level of Glucose

Certain compounds found in celery help in reducing the level of glucose even without the increase in insulin levels

An Alkaline Food

Celery is an alkaline food and can protect you from chronic diseases

Loaded With Minerals and Vitamins

Loaded with minerals and vitamins like folate, Vitamin K and Vitamin C, celery offers potent healing properties. It is hailed as a superfood and can offer incredible health benefits.

If you want to add celery to your diet, there are several ways to reap its benefits. While you can just drink it solo, you can even consider adding it with other food like kale, spinach and apples. There are several celery juice recipes available and you should definitely give it a try.

If you want to try celery juice, visit Juice Junction.

Our cold-pressed celery juice is prepared to help you accomplish your fitness goals and achieve optimum health. At Juice Junction, we are committed to bringing you healthy juices prepared from fresh and quality ingredients. You can choose from several packages to pick one that perfectly suits your cleanse plan. The juices that we offer are made to order and you have the option of either picking it up from our store or getting it delivered. If you are keen to find out more about our juice cleanse range, feel free to connect with us. We will be happy to assist you.

Celery Juice_Benefits

Reason to Drink Celery Juice

By | Celery Juice

Celery Juice has vigorous antioxidant characteristics to remove free radicals from the body. In fact, the content of phytonutrient celery juice helps keep our bodies free from radicals that destroy the DNA of our cells. There are two compounds in celery that keep our bodies from being self-inflammatory — polyacetylene and luteolin. Lets know more about the reasons to drink celery juice.

Regular intake of celery juice helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, jaundice, gout, liver disease, urinary tract obstruction, blood pressure, and other rheumatic disorders. One scientific study states that an extract from celery seed modifies the glucose and insulin levels while improving weight and increased antioxidant enzyme activity. Additionally, celery leaves are able to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride.

There is also a high amount of natural sodium found in celery juice which helps in absorbing the nutrients from food. The enzymes in celery juice are able to raise the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, making food easier to digest and thus prevent fermentation.

A Juice cleanses via celery can increase and strengthen our livers’ ability to produce bile. Strong bile is important for breaking down fats and eliminating wastes from our bodies. Research proves that drinking celery juice can boost the secretion of bile. Its high percentage of water and electrolytes further improves overall hydration. The antioxidants in celery help in purifying and clearing skin. Packed with vitamins, celery helps our bodies produce collagen which is helpful in maintaining youthful-looking skin.

Celery is very dense in micronutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium, and vitamin B6 — all nutrients that our bodies require in order to function.

Although, even with the research, there are yet to be any clinical trials of large human testing to fully understand the effects of celery juice in the treatment and management of chronic conditions.

Make 16 oz of celery juice using organic celery! It is important to use organic celery as fully-grown celery is laden with pesticides. After transferring the bright green celery juice to a large glass, you can add a few ice cubes of cold celery. For better taste or just to change up the flavour, you can add some fresh lemon juice or a small amount of fresh ginger.

To make celery juice, owning a juicer is not necessary. Simply cut the celery and add it to the blender with a minute amount of water. Blend until smooth. Afterward, use a cheese cloth or a milk bag over a large bowl and pour the pureed celery into the milk bag. Squeeze, and ring out as much juice as you can into the bowl.

Come drop by our juice bar at Molan Street, Ringwood, or call us directly at +61 3 9870 4934. For more specific celery juice orders, email us at raw@juicejunction.com.au.

Our products as 100% made entirely from plants free of gluten, sugar, sweeteners, GMOs and other artificial ingredients.


Juice Cleanse Benefits

Effective Tips For A Speedy Juice Cleanse + Benefits

By | Juice Cleanse

Juice cleansing is a beneficial way to remedy your diet, launch your weight loss, and improve your overall health. But, before you spearhead into your juice cleanse, here are some things you need to know.

No doubt, detoxification is constructive to our bodies and we can get the most out of a juice cleanse by tailoring the juice plan based on our own individual bio.

Why Opt For A Juice Cleanse?

The modern lifestyle, environment, and schedule make it almost impossible for us to maintain a healthy energetic lifestyle. Especially considering we spent 70% of our energy on digesting food after every meal. Slurping fresh juice from fruits and veggies rather than eating them gives our digestive system a much-needed break. Furthermore, our bodies can easily absorb the flood of nutrients we are taking in due to the juice.

Our bodies have the power to heal themselves and flush out stubborn toxins and waste, it just needs to be given a chance!

As humans, we tend to constantly tax our body by feeding it unhealthy and processed foods, without even realising it. We need to give it the opportunity to help keep us in excellent health. The answer is a fast and effective juice cleansing process via Juice Junction.

The Process & Benefits Of Juice Cleansing

There is ample information on how to do a speedy juice cleanse, but here are the top tips which have proven to be not just effective, but takes less time as well.

  • PREPARATION — instead of going straight from 0 to 100, the transition from your regular diet into a cleaner diet during the weeks. Incorporate raw fruits and veggies in every meal. Eventually, start reducing size portions. Regular, non-strenuous exercise and drinking plenty of water also helps in flushing out all sorts of toxins. This reduces the probability of unwanted side effects such as nausea, fatigue, extreme hunger, dizziness, etc.
  • PLANNING — Planning ahead helps in sticking to your juice cleanse commitment. Getting home after a long day without any juice ready means you are more likely to just grab a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, compromising your cleanse. We recommend snooping around for a juice detox program that suits your needs. Instead of getting stuck with running your juicer, just grab a juice from your fridge and you’re good to go.
  • ELIMINATION — removing the temptation to eat other food, particularly junk food, is easier said than done. We recommend placing anything tempting in a spot where it is not easily visible and reachable. An out of sight out of mind concept. There’s no need to throw out everything in your pantry and fridge.
  • CONSUMPTION — calorie intake is important; fewer calories mean your body is bound to malfunction. As per scientific research, women require around 2000 calories, while men need around 2500 calories. This could vary depending on height, weight, and activities. For losing weight, the minimum number of calories for women is around 1200 and about 1600 for men. These numbers are vital in hitting your juice cleanse
  • HYDRATION — Drinking gallons of water helps in staving off hunger, re-energizing your cells, removing toxins, and maintaining blood sugar balance. Water can be spiced up by adding lemon or some mint and cucumber.
  • EXERCISE — take your exercise routines down a notch during a juice cleanse. Your calorie and protein intake are not as normal as usual, lowering your energy levels. Instead of pumping weights or going for a sprint, a walk or a light swim is better. Give your body a chance to rest every now and then.
  • BREAKS — take a stretch break every now and again. Five minutes of stretching can get your blood flowing. It helps in decreasing fatigue, increasing heart rate and energy levels.  The best part, you can make up your own stretching routine.
  • SLEEP — deep sleep comes easy when all the above are followed to the bone. Scientifically, inadequate sleep causes weight gain and high-stress levels, among others. A good night’s sleep gives your body time to eliminate toxins and rebuild the immune system. Adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep. To sleep better, turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime, additionally, a long warm bath also helps, as well as keeping your room at a cool temperature and sticking to the scheduled bedtime.
  • BREAKAGE — slowly reintroduce healthy, solid foods into your diet by eating soup or oatmeal, drinking smoothies, or chomping on watery fruits. Over-indulgence is a big no.


And even if you aren’t, just head down to our juice cleansing store at Molan Street, Ringwood, or call +61 3 9870 4934. For more specific and bigger orders, drop us an email at raw@juicejunction.com.au. Yes, RAW, as in, our products as 100% made entirely from plants — free of gluten, added sugars, added sweeteners, GMOs, and artificial ingredients.

Cold Pressed Juice Melbourne

Transforming Melbourne Lifestyles With Cold-Pressed Juice And Its Benefits

By | Cold Pressed Juice

Naturally, consuming juice is the most basic way of getting nutrients in your body. After all, we’re supposed to have 5 to 13 servings of fruit and vegetables per day, depending on age, gender, physical activity, and overall health. The first problem here is, it’s not always easy to get fresh fruit and vegetables. Another problem is, in this fast-paced world, nobody has the time to clean, peel, check and chew on fruits and vegetables every day. This is why Cold-Pressed Juice and its Benefits is triumphing in the market — the global cold-pressed juices market is slated to be valued at USD $823M by 2025, according to recent market research.

What Honestly Is Cold-Pressed Juice?

Cold-pressed juice is not your average home juice, it involves extracting maximum liquid from plants. With newer technologies, its function has only caused it to extract juices without denaturing enzymes or breaking down nutrients due to high levels of heat or oxygen. It keeps its health-giving properties intact while producing delicious drops of liquid that are fresh, delicious, and nutritious.

How Is Cold-Pressed Juice Produced?

Cold-pressed juice is produced with a Hydraulic Cold Press that uses thousands of pounds of pressure to extract the maximum amount of liquid from fresh fruits and vegetables. No nutrients are lost as no oxygen or heat is filtered into the juice. This gets you the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes per bottle.

What Is The Shelf-Life Of Cold-Pressed Juice?

In its raw form, cold-pressed juice has a shelf life of only three to four days before microbes start decomposing it. Meaning, it can pose a danger to young children or pregnant women. But the solution to this is to undergo a pasteurisation method known as High-Pressure Processing (HPP). Here, the cold-pressed bottled juices are submerged in cold water under high pressure as much as 58,000 PSI, killing 99.999% pathogens and increasing the shelf life from three to five days to a whopping 30 to 45 days.

However, if purchased for immediate consumption, HPP is not required.

Squeezing Out The Benefits Of Cold Pressed Juice

  1. High nutrients & vitamins — with the fibres removed during the juicing process, tons of nutrients and vitamins directly hit your bloodstream and are absorbed immediately.
  2. Easily digestible — the digestive system takes a lot of energy to break down fruits and vegetables into smaller components of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are separate from other food components. With juice already in liquid form, it won’t use up the same amount of energy.
  3. All-in-one shot — eating four to five pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables in one sitting would be way too much. With cold-pressed juice, you get it in one go and in less time.
  4. Increased energy — since the juice is absorbed rapidly by your body, your blood gets flooded with nutrients and your body’s pH is optimised.
  5. Immune system — the nutrients in cold-pressed juice feed your body’s good bacteria while suppressing pathogenic ones, supercharging your immune system with concentrated phytochemicals and biophotonic light energy.
  6. Digestive pause — it directly enters your digestive system through the small intestine where all the absorption happens, giving your digestive system a break since your body does not have to work hard.
  7. Look & feel better — cold-pressed juices result in clearer, brighter skin and eyes, less bloating, weight loss, and less water retention, you’ll look and feel great inside-out.
  8. Improve health — cold-pressed juicing has been linked to lowering cancer rates, reducing risks of heart disease, and improving overall health.

Whether you’re looking to change your daily fix, cleanse and detox, or just to try something new, cold-pressed juice won’t disappoint.

So, tell us your favorite type of cold-pressed juice. Carrots? Greenery? Do you have any favorite recipes?  Let us know.

Granted you can get cold-pressed juices in Melbourne from grocery stores, retailers, hypermarkets, and departmental stores. You can place an order right here or send us your inquiries on recipes or adjustments you’d like.

All of our products 100% natural plants that contain NO gluten, added sugars, added sweeteners, GMOs, and artificial ingredients.

For information on delivery and in-store pick up, visit our Delivery/Pick up section. Or call us on +61 3 9870 4934. You can drop us a direct message here.

Juice Cleansing for Increased Energy

Juice Cleansing for Increased Energy

By | Juice Cleanse

Are you looking for a diet that is nourishing and energizing? Look no further than a juice diet or juice cleanse!

Cold-pressed juices are a brilliant way to give you the energy boost you need to stay productive. By adding just 1 or 2 juices to your daily routine – or better still commit to a juice cleanse – you are sure to notice a significant difference in energy levels. Juices are known to give the body a quick jolt of energy and can serve as the ideal wake-up tonic. The nutrients in juices rejuvenate and hydrate the body and make a much healthier option than a caffeinated drink. Lets know more about juice cleansing for increased energy.

Wondering how juices work to give you that energy lift?

Increased Nutrition

Cold-pressed juices offer an easy way to consume more nutrients than is otherwise possible through diet. In just one single glass of juice, you can get the goodness of several fruits and vegetables. The nutrients present are known to support the energy cycle and also provide the body high-level antioxidants and plant compounds.

Easy Absorption of Nutrients

Drinking juices ensures nutrients are easily absorbed and used by the body. The process of breaking down food is complex and if your digestive system is not efficient enough, you may not get all the nutrients. By drinking juices you give your digestive system a break and reduce the amount of energy required for digestion. This energy can be used by the body for other types of work such as repair and removing toxins.

Stay Hydrated

When you commit to drinking juices chances are you’re increasing your fluid intake and thus are more likely to be well hydrated. Proper hydration is key to combating fatigue and thus you’ll feel more energized.

Stay Away from Junk Food

Committing to a juice cleanse ensures you stay away from processed food, caffeine, and sugar.

Better Sleep

Juices help you sleep better thereby making you feel energised and refreshed.


A cold-pressed juice cleanse is a great way to eliminate toxins from the body. After successfully eliminating toxins, you will notice your higher energy levels.

If you are in search of cold-pressed juices that not only increase your vitality but are also fresh and taste delicious, then visit Juice Junction. We bring you a range of juices formulated to increase energy and alertness levels. We are committed to offering you the freshest possible products and you can be sure of noticing the difference. You can conveniently order online from our platform and experience amazing health benefits. Check out our juices and juice cleanses today.

Juice Cleanse to Lose Weight

Juice Cleanse to Lose Weight

By | Juice Cleanse

Looking for a safe and healthy way to lose weight?

A well-designed juice cleanses offers just the perfect way to lose weight and feel better. A juice cleanse is simply consuming primarily just fruit and vegetable juices for a continuous period of time; normally 1- 7 continuous days. This way of cleansing provides a range of health benefits and transforms you into a better version of yourself. Whether you want to lose weight or flush toxins from your body, a well-planned juice cleanse is sure to help.

What is a Juice Cleanse?

A juice cleanse is made up of numerous juices, all typically made with a mixture of fruits and vegetables; the synergy offers more nutritional benefit than drinking say just a glass of apple juice.

Fruits and vegetables are known to be rich sources of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. However, ensuring the daily requirement of our body is met is often a challenge given our busy schedules. The perfect solution is to undertake a juice cleanse; an easy and effective way to boost your vitality.

Juicing for Weight Loss

A 2-10 day juice cleanse can provide you with all the necessary daily nutrients to optimize your health and simultaneously lose weight! A juice cleanses with a lower calorie content will be more effective for weight loss. Thus juices with less fruit and more vegetables will generally produce the best results.

But to get the best results, we suggest you undertake a juice cleanse which you can easily adhere to; that is a select day(s) when you’re less likely to sway and choose flavours that you actually like! Naturally, you should try to minimise your fruit (sugar) intake as much as your palate allows.

At Juice Junction, we bring you an entire range of juices to help you feel rejuvenated. You can conveniently purchase online and be sure of receiving the freshest possible juices as they are all are made to order! And don’t hesitate to get in touch with us should you have any questions.

Clear Glowing Skin

Top 7 Juice Nutrients for Glowing Skin

By | Juice Cleanse

Wondering what the secrets are for the flawless and luminous complexion? Are you aware that juices can do wonders to your skin? Lets know more about nutrients for glowing skin.

For a glowing complexion, what we eat is far more important than what we use on our skin. Even the most expensive skincare products will fail to give a blemish-free skin if you are not consuming the right food.

Fruits and vegetables offer an effective way to cleanse the body and beautify skin. An easy way to get the most out of fruits and vegetables is by getting enough in the form of juices.

Juices not only hydrate the body but also help in getting rid of toxins. There are amazing juice options and you can choose to go for something that best serves your need.

Juices serve as a wonderful superfood as they are enriched with essential nutrients that can make a real difference to the skin.

Following are a few nutrients that are good for the skin and are found in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin A

A strong antioxidant, Vitamin A shields the skin from premature ageing. It also protects the skin from excess oil production. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to rough and dry skin.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E works with Vitamin A to offer a range of benefits for the skin. It is an antioxidant and shields cells from free radicals.

Vitamin B Complex

B Complex includes eight Vitamins that are vital for cell reproduction. A deficiency of this Vitamin can lead to oily and cracked skin.

Vitamin C

This Vitamin is responsible for giving the skin its elasticity.


It protects from free radical damage and in the body, it is converted to Vitamin A.


A trace mineral, silica is essential for keeping the hair, skin and nails in good health.


Zinc helps in protecting the skin against inflammation and prevents flare-ups.

Want to nourish your skin with the goodness of the above nutrients?

Check out the juices we have for you at Juice Junction. We are committed to our customers receiving the freshest possible juices; they are all made to order! You can choose from an amazing range of options and order online from the convenience of your home. You can also give us a call. To know more, contact us.

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